Saturday, August 27, 2016

Illustrated movie posters for The Martian

Came across some pretty impressive illustrated movie posters for The Martian (2015):

The Martian illustrated movie poster (rover)The Martian illustrated movie poster (base)

More stuff from The Martian:  ►Trailers  ►HD images  ►Quotes  ►Concept art

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Mars Colonial Transporter concept by Stanley Von Medvey

Picture of the Day 24/8/16 - Concept art for SpaceX's Mars Colonial Transporter (MCT) by Stanley Von Medvey (aka bagtaggar). It's possibly the most well known fan art of MCT (more than 4 years old by now) often used in articles about the SpaceX's plans for colonizing Mars.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
SpaceX Mars Colonial Transporter concept by Stanley Von Medvey

Monday, August 22, 2016

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Render of Mars Colonial Transporter next to Falcon 9 by Zach Lynn

Picture of the Day 21/8/16 - Render of a SpaceX's Mars Colonial Transporter launcher (BFR or Big Falcon Rocket*) next to a Falcon 9 rocket, "based on the rumored dimensions", by Zach Lynn (zlynn1990).

SpaceX Mars Colonial Transporter next to Falcon 9 by Zach Lynn

* originally called "Big Fucking Rocket"

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Martian colony by Christian Hecker

Picture of the Day 18/8/16 - "Red Sands" Martian colony by Christian Hecker. More of his sci-fi art here. Click for full resolution:
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
Martian colony by Christian Hecker

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Mars greenhouse by NASA

Picture of the Day 14/8/16 - Mars greenhouse by NASA.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
Mars greenhouse by NASA

Monday, August 1, 2016

HD images from Journey to Space documentary

Journey to Space is a 2015 3D documentary which "unveils a new era of unprecedented deep space exploration" presented by Boeing and Toyota. In the ending it features a good animation of NASA's Journey to Mars mission. Here are some HD quality screens of it.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
Journey to Space image - spaceship Mars orbitJourney to Space image - Mars LDSD heat shield

Journey to Space image - spaceship Mars orbitJourney to Space image - Mars heat shield

Journey to Space image - Mars landingJourney to Space image - Mars landing

Journey to Space image - Mars landingJourney to Space image - Mars base

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Mars Colonial Transporter concept by Richard Heidmann

Picture of the Day 31/7/16 - Concept art for SpaceX's Mars Colonial Transporter by Richard Heidmann from the French chapter of The Mars Society (Association Planète Mars). You can also read his speculations of the possible MCP mission architecture details here.

SpaceX Mars Colonial Transporter concept by Richard Heidmann

SpaceX Mars Colonial Transporter cockpit concept by Richard Heidmann

As the day the SpaceX CEO Elon Musk intends to unveil (at the International Astronautical Congress 26-30 September 2016 in Guadalajara, Mexico) details of its 'Mars Colonial Transporter' (MCT) mission architecture is nearing, we will mostly dedicate our 'Picture of the Day' awards to the fan concept art of the MCT.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Astronauts exploring Mars by Balazs Agoston

Picture of the Day 10/7/16 - Astronauts exploring Mars by Balazs Agoston from Hungary. More of his concept art here.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
Astronauts exploring Mars by Balazs Agoston

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Martian colonies by 2116 according to Boeing

Celebrating its 100th anniversary Boeing released a 30" TV commercial briefly depicting the world in 2116. According to Boeing there will be human colonies and a space elevator on Mars by then :)

Aproaching Mars colony from space elevator by Boeing

Mars space elevator by Boeing

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Mars colony by Erik van Helvoirt

Picture of the Day 18/6/16 - A well-established Martian colony by Erik van Helvoirt from Netherlands. More of his concept art here.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
Mars colony by Erik van Helvoirt

Monday, May 30, 2016

Soviet lander on Phobos by Maciej Rebisz

Picture of the Day 30/5/16 - Soviet lander on Phobos by Polish sci-fi artist Maciej Rebisz. More of his art here and here.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
Soviet lander on Phobos by Maciej Rebisz

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Martian landscapes by Ludek Pesek

Here are some of the best paintings of Martian landscapes by Czech space artist and illustrator Ludek Pesek (1919-1999).
More of his Mars art here.

Noctis Labyrinthus on Mars by Ludek Pesek
Noctis Labyrinthus

Southern part of the Olympus Mons caldera on Mars by Ludek Pesek
Southern part of the Olympus Mons caldera

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Female astronaut on Mars by Mark Kent

Picture of the Day 17/4/16 - Female astronaut or "A new day on Mars" by sci-fi artist Mark Kent. More of his art here.

Female astronaut on Mars by Mark Kent

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Mars game review - Red Faction

Red Faction logo
Red Faction (2001) is a classic first-person shooter (FPS) game. It's one of the first 3D computer games set on Mars and despite its old age - still the greatest. No wonder there were made several sequels in the form of computer games and even a TV movie.

Red Faction depicts a miner revolution against oppressive corporation conducting some nasty biological experiments in a Martian colony in 2075. The most innovative feature of this game is its Geo-Mod engine which allows to create fully destructible game world.


Red Faction starts with the game's protagonist (you) Parker arriving at Martian mining colony with hopes of starting a new life away from his parents. Earth’s minerals are being depleted and humanity needs more and more of them. The Ultor Corporation runs the mining and research operations on Mars and is promising for potential fortune seekers high income and new horizons on a fresh planet. But the reality turns out to be not as bright - living conditions for the miners are poor, the guards are brutal and a deadly disease "The Plague" is spreading among the workers. Rumors are it is purposedly made by Ultor's scientists.

Where false promises meets discontent a rebellion is born
Parker is ending his routine mining shift when a daily strife between the miners and the guards spark an armed rebellion. Turns out the growing discontent of Ultor's rule has created an underground resistance force called "Red Faction", which now finally takes real action against the oppressors. Parker joins the rebellion and together with other miners is starting to fight his way out of mines with the helpful radio-guidance of Red Faction's leader Eos and Ultor's technician Hendrix. Parker is guided to join up with a group of miners who are about to steal a supply shuttle and escape the mining complex, but he arrives too late... luckily - the shuttle takes off and is immediately destroyed by Ultor's missiles.

It's now clear that escaping Mars won't be an easy task. Parker goes to Ultor's geothermal plant deep underground, sabotages it and through underwater tunnel enters the administrative complex of Ultor. There he kidnaps a high-ranking Ultor administrator, Gryphon, who turns out to be a Red Faction sympathizer willing to share his knowledge of Ultor's secrets to Red Faction. The man behind "The Plague" is Ultor's head scientist Dr. Capek who has been experimenting with nanotechnology and "The Plague" is a side-effect of injections at the miners' annual medical checkup. Parker tracks down Capek in his underground laboratory and with the help of Eos finishes him.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Video: NASA's Journey to Mars

NASA Journey to Mars
In recent months NASA has released some exciting videos visualizing its "Journey to Mars". What is more important - they represent a conceptual shift from Apollo's style approach [every expedition to it's own location] to a more longsighted approach - every expedition to the same one location. At the workshop in October, 2015 NASA officials revealed that "human exploration of Mars is not planned as a single mission, but a series of three to five expeditions, each with a crew of four to six, lasting about 500 Martian days each. All would land in the same exploration zone, or EZ. The plan includes the construction of a surface field station to be located in the center of the exploration." It means that NASA's "Journey to Mars" mission concept has become more friendly to a goal of a permanent human colony on Mars.

NASA's base on Mars after a few decades:

Friday, February 12, 2016

Astronauts on Phobos by Ron Miller

Picture of the Day 12/2/16 - Astronauts on Phobos by sci-fi illustrator and writer Ron Miller. More of his Mars art here.

Astronauts on Phobos by Ron Miller

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Saturday, January 30, 2016