Monday, May 1, 2017

Sunset over Mars colony by Pavel Chagochkin

Picture of the Day 1/5/2017 - Sunset over Mars colony by Kazakh videographer Pavel Chagochkin.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

HD images from Mission to Mars (2000) movie

Mission to Mars (2000) is a bit weird sci-fi movie where a mysterious Martian structure is found on Mars. When all of the first astronaut crew on Mars is killed by a monstrous sandstorm force a rescue mission is launched from Earth to investigate and bring back possible survivors. They find one barely sane and make contact with the last Martian ship long left in the alien structure.

Despite the weird story Mission to Mars has some of the most memorable Martian movie scenes; here are HD images from them
(open link in new tab to view in full resolution):

Exploring Mars - Mission to Mars movie imageWorld Space Station - Mission to Mars movie image

Exploring Mars with rover - Mission to Mars movie imageAstronauts on Mars - Mission to Mars movie image

Astronauts in Sandstorm - Mission to Mars movie imageSpaceship - Mission to Mars movie image

Observing sandstorm on Mars from orbit - Mission to Mars movie imageAstronauts in Mars orbit - Mission to Mars movie image

Smiling astronaut in Mars orbit - Mission to Mars movie imageDead astronaut in Mars orbit - Mission to Mars movie image

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Rover approaching Mars base by Tiago Santos

Picture of the Day 16/4/2017 - A rover approaching Mars base by Portuguese concept artist Tiago Santos. More of his art here.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
Rover approaching Mars base by Tiago Santos

Friday, April 14, 2017

Industrial Mars by Evgeny Kazantsev

Picture of the Day 14/4/2017 - Industrial landscape on Mars by Russian sci-fi artist Evgeny Kazantsev. More of his art here.

Industrial landscape on Mars by Evgeny Kazantsev

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Images from Ghosts of Mars (2001) movie

Ghosts of Mars (2001) is a Mad Max's style violent sci-fi action movie set on partly terraformed Mars at the end of 22nd century. Its story is a complete nonsense where evil Martian ghosts take control of the minds of human colonists to violently destroy everything and everyone around. Nevertheless here are some images from the less absurd scenes in the movie :)

Martian train - Image from Ghosts of Mars movieHuman colony - Image from Ghosts of Mars movie

Martian train - image from Ghosts of Mars movieMartian landscape - image from Ghosts of Mars movie

Martian train - image from Ghosts of Mars movieMartian train - image from Ghosts of Mars movie

Nuclear explosion on Mars - image from Ghosts of Mars movieHuman colony on Mars - image from Ghosts of Mars movie

Friday, April 7, 2017

Concept art for The Martian by Artem Cheboha

Picture of the Day 7/4/2017 - Mark Watney posing for a picture in front of his Martian hab as a concept art for The Martian by Russian digital painter Artem Cheboha (Артём Чебоха or Rhads). More of his art here.

The Martian concept art by Artem Cheboha (Rhads)

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Mars colony from The Space Between Us movie

Picture of the Day 1/4/2017 - East Texas colony on Mars from "The Space Between Us" movie.
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in HD wallpaper resolution)
East Texas colony on Mars - The Space Between Us movie wallpaper

Saturday, March 25, 2017

HD images from The Space Between Us (2017) movie

The Space Between Us (2017) is the latest movie set on Mars. It's not widely hyped but actually really good. The movie is about the first child born on Mars - a teenage boy secretly risen up by scientists after his mother died in child-birth. He travels to Earth to find his father and the girl he is secretly video-chatting to, but is too weak to stay there.

Here are some HD 720p quality images from the Martian part of the movie (click to view in full resolution):

The Space Between Us Mars movie image - astronautsThe Space Between Us Mars movie image - lander

The Space Between Us Mars movie image - baseThe Space Between Us Mars movie image - base interior

The Space Between Us Mars movie image - baseThe Space Between Us Mars movie image - rover

The Space Between Us Mars movie image - roverThe Space Between Us Mars movie image - young astronaut

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Terraforming Mars by FryxGames

Picture of the Day 21/3/2017 - Astronauts planting plants in an early phase of terraforming Mars by Jacob, Daniel & Isaac Fryxelius (FryxGames) - a cover picture for their resource management board game "Terraforming Mars" (2016).
(Open link in new tab to view ⇩ in full resolution)
Terraforming Mars by Jacob, Daniel & Isaac Fryxelius (FryxGames)

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Running female astronaut on Mars by Clay Rodery

Picture of the Day 11/3/2017 - Running female astronaut on Mars by American illustrator Clay Rodery. More of his art here.

Running female astronaut on Mars by Clay Rodery