Thursday, October 13, 2022

Mars Base Alpha in a crater by Anastasia Volyk & Vladyslav Lysenko

Ukrainian 3D artists Anastasia Volyk and Vladyslav Lysenko have created a concept for SpaceX's Mars Base Alpha in a small Martian crater. The individual habitats scattered on the inner slope of the crater wall are connected with the center of the colony via partially underground hyperloop lines. In the further future hyperloop lines could connect Mars Base Alpha with other human colonies on Mars. I would place Starship launch pads outside the crater.

Mars Base Alpha in a crater by Anastasia Volyk and Vladyslav Lysenko

Mars Base Alpha by Anastasia Volyk and Vladyslav Lysenko

SpaceX Starship launch from Mars Base Alpha by Anastasia Volyk and Vladyslav Lysenko

Mars Base Alpha in a crater by Anastasia Volyk and Vladyslav Lysenko - top view

Mars Base Alpha in a crater by Anastasia Volyk and Vladyslav Lysenko - top view

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