Sunday, August 13, 2017

HD images from Mars 2030 VR experience

Mars 2030 VR is the latest education-focused virtual reality simulation set on Mars. It has been launched for the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift headsets, soon to come to PlayStation VR, and has been developed in partnership with NASA. MARS 2030 centers on open world exploration, covering ~40 square kilometers of the Mawrth Vallis region, accurately mapped and modeled using MRO HiRISE satellite data. Taking on the role of an astronaut, players traverse Mars and collect geological samples that uncover the planet’s past.

Here are some HD quality images from the game (open link in new tab to view in full resolution):

Mars 2030 VR image - base and roverMars 2030 VR image - base

Mars 2030 VR image - baseMars 2030 VR image - astronaut

Mars 2030 VR image - base at sunsetMars 2030 VR image - planet

Mars 2030 VR image - base and astronautMars 2030 VR image - exploration

Mars 2030 VR image - base and astronautMars 2030 VR image - base from sky

Mars 2030 VR image - landscapeMars 2030 VR image - spaceship approaching Mars

Mars 2030 VR image - dust devil near baseMars 2030 VR image - rover

Mars 2030 VR image - base habitat interiorMars 2030 VR image - astronaut on Mars

Mars 2030 VR image - baseMars 2030 VR image - lander interior

More content from video games set on Mars HERE

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